Cambridge Advanced exam preparatiion

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We’re based in the city centre of Bristol and our courses are available face to face and online.

Every week we publish some exercises to help you prepare for the exam. This week we have focuses on  the Cambridge  Advanced exam.


Match the words with similar meanings

Concept            structure     explanation     increase       predict        difficulty  

Interpretation     idea           issue           forecast            framework   expansion

Now change the words in italics below to the word with the similar meaning

1 Predicting how the concept of wellbeing is implemented in the workplace is not easy

 2 An increase in avenues of investment has led to difficulties with the company’s strategy

3 Poor structure and planning provide a clear explanation as to why targets were not reached last year


Cambridge Advanced Exam

Answer key for the Cambridge Exam preparation course. 

Concept/idea       expansion/increase       predict/forecast   

Interpretation/explanation      issue/difficulty     framework/structure

1 Forecasting how the idea of wellbeing is implemented in the workplace is not easy

 2 An expansion in avenues of investment has led to issues with the company’s strategy

3 Poor framework and planning provide a clear interpretation as to why targets were not reached last year


cambridge exam courses

Find out more our the Cambridge Exams requisites here.