Cambridge English Exams - Preparation Courses


Are you looking for a course that will prepare you for Cambridge Exams? Our online courses are a great way to complete your preparation.

Many different types of students with varying goals join our Advanced groups. If you can relate to some of the statements below, our Cambridge English Exams Courses might be perfect for you.

What can we offer you?

A highly organized Cambridge English exams course with varied activities in each lesson and homework to help consolidate and practise skills and new language:

Advanced Language

This includes commonly used formal words, prepositions, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases and more varied ways of structuring sentences when writing. Weekly tests are given.

Speaking practise

Speaking practise and individualized feedback. Classwork is backed up by student practise at home, which is recorded and sent to the teacher to evaluate.

Weekly writing practise

This will help you eradicate irritating basic mistakes and help build up to a more complex and expressive level. Homework is sent and returned with feedback by email in between lessons.

Listening and reading

A focus on consolidation of listening and reading skills looked at in lessons, by being able to do further exercises for homework in the course textbook and on the online platform, Moodle.

Preparation for exam conditions.

If you decide to do the exam, the final six weeks of the course focuses more on advice about planning writing, time management and helpful speaking phrases.

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