Corporate English Exercises for Overseas Employees

If you're looking for Corporate English Exercises to help your overseas employees, check out the exercises below. We offer a variety of English Courses that can be tailored to your needs.

Decide on the prepositions which follow the following words
Demand ____ feasibility ______ insight ______ approach _____ scope ______ constraints ______
Now complete the sentences using the correct preposition
The feasibility of the company takeover is now in doubt due to constraints on time.
There is scope for development if demand for our product increases.
Greater insight is needed into approaches to boosting staff efficiency.

Answer key
Demand for feasibility of insight into approach to scope for constraints on
The feasibility of the company takeover is now in doubt due to constraints on time.
There is scope for development if demand for our product increases.
Greater insight is needed into approaches to boosting staff efficiency

If you can relate to any of the questions below, a Corporate English Course may be right for you.

We can provide guidance and build confidence by:
Focusing on:
• Format – paragraphing and typical features
• Appropriate vocabulary – formality and context-specific
• Adjusting emails for different types of readers – from workmates to managers

Whatever online package is used, the following are always important to get right
• Organization of information – having a clear structure and progression
• Production of slides – making them easily digestible for the listener
• Useful language for clarity – how to start the different stages
• Presenting data – being selective and clear
• Body language – connecting with the listeners

Reports can vary depending on the company you work for, but some aspects are constant
• Format – organization of information and sections
• Style – formality and brevity
• Appropriate language – commonly used formal language

• The ‘tools’ needed to help keep up with what’s being said and how to contribute are essential
• Communication language – for giving opinions and responding
• Meetings language – typical expressions and vocabulary
• Listening skills development – using recordings of meetings to boost understanding

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