Cambridge Advanced / C1 Exam Preparation

Are you looking for a course that will prepare you for the Cambridge Advanced or C1 exam? Our online and face-to-face courses will give you strategies for the speaking, listening, reading, writing and use of English parts of the exam.

Why choose Progress English?

Progress English is one of few providers of Cambridge Proficiency English courses in Bristol. 

We focus on people with a high level of English who tend to work or study and just want to attend one lesson one evening a week.

Both online and face to face courses come with detailed course plans and a textbook. To
consolidate work done during the lessons, there is also access to an online platform for
homework exercises and optional extra study. Along with this, you can regularly email the teacher with your work and questions, and feedback is quickly given.

Cambridge Advanced Course

A highly organized course with varied activities in each lesson, and homework to help consolidate and practise skills and new language:


• Advanced language, including commonly used formal words and important grammar structures for writing. Weekly tests are given.
• Speaking practise and individualized feedback. We support classwork by getting you to practise at home, and then record and send your work by Whatsapp to the teacher to evaluate.
• Weekly writing practise. We send homework, which you complete and send back to us by email in between lessons.
• Consolidation of listening and reading skills. We set exercises for homework from the course textbook and the online platform, Moodle.
• Preparation for exam conditions. The later parts of courses focus on advice about planning, time management and helpful speaking phrases.

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